Disposable Lip brushes |
Sephora and other self-serve makeup retailers set out alcohol so that customers can disinfect products before they try them. Smaller makeup stores have Makeup Artists available to sanitize any products a customer wishes to try. Also make sure that your artist is also demonstrating clean practices like hand sanitizing, sharpening pencils and using clean brushes and disposable mascara wands. Don't be afraid to call out a Makeup Artist out if you see something unseemly happen, you have the right to be safe and healthy!
Tips for disinfecting lip products:
1. Dip or spray lipsticks with isopropyl alcohol. Gently scrape of the top layer of the lipstick.
2. Use disposable wands for glosses in tubes.
3. DO NOT share glosses in pots; they carry the most germs as most people stick their fingers into them and contaminate the whole container. Test pot glosses with disposable brushes.
4. Sharpen lip pencils with a sanitized sharpener and then spray or dip them in alcohol.
5. Use clean brushes or q-tips to apply liquid lip stains.
6. DON'T Double dip!
7. DONT share your Brush with others and Wash it regularly with Brush Off !
Note:- If you are Makeup Artist and you are working , you need to sanitize all of your brushes after every use with anti-bacterial Brush Off. This product cleans and disinfects brushes, but dries quickly so that you can move on to your next client with minimal drying time. You should always use disposable mascara wands, lip brushes and q-tips to apply products. You need also sanitize your hands each time you during your professional job.
(Source:- http://shopping.yahoo.com/blogs/fashionate/keep-makeup-germ-free-004000953.html#more-id/ by 26-05-2013)
(Source:- http://shopping.yahoo.com/blogs/fashionate/keep-makeup-germ-free-004000953.html#more-id/ by 26-05-2013)