Health & Beauty Tips

1. Get Perfect Skin: The Five minute Before Bed Routine
Use the below plan to include in your daily routine to route yourself to perfect skin.

The vaseline Trick : Smooth Vaseline onto your eyelids with your index fingers and through lashes to liquefy mascara, liner, and shadow.

Remove eye makeup: For a hydrating, protective layer wipe a damp cotton pad across your eyes from the inner to the outer corners until makeup disappears

Cleanser ( oily skin): Use a glycolic acid-salicylic acid pad to wipe your entire face, it deep-cleans pores and removes makeup, and the glycolic acid treats blackheads

Cleanser( Normal to -Dry): Use a creamy, soap-free wash to clean and moisturize at the same time, tissue off without rinsing, this will give you extra moisture.

2. Ten Foods for Hydrating your skin from inside to the outside .

*.Walnuts: Walnuts are an instant boost to your omega-3, thus increasing your skins ability to hold onto moisture.
*.Olive oil: This oil has a very high nutritive value, it hydrate the skin and balance the pH levels, extra virgin olive oil works as an amazing and inexpensive moisturizer for your skin.
*.Avocado: A naturally fatty fruit that has around 74% water content by weight and it is known as nature’s moisturizer because of his hydrocarbons and natural oils.
*.Chia seeds: Rich in omega-3 fatty acids, antioxidants, protein and fiber, these trendy seeds are loaded with nutritional goodness that work beauty wonders on skin.
*.Pumpkin seeds: Its enzymes make it a safe and effective exfoliator and its phytonutrients, minerals, enzymes, and vitamins infuse the skin with important elements that bring about cellular rejuvenation and strengthen weakened skin structures.
*.Kale: Kale is a super food packed with antioxidants and vitamins A, C & K. These antioxidants fight skin damaging free radicals and help reduce dark circles. It is also a source of indole-3-carbinol, a chemical which boosts DNA repair in cells and appears to block the growth of skin cancer cells.
*.Cantaloupe: It is one of the most nutritious varieties of melon. It contains Vitamins K and E. These vitamins are required for keeping skin healthy and radiant. Cantaloupe is also a good source of B Vitamins, choline that is required for keeping skin replenished and rejuvenated.
*.Coconut oil: Coconut oil has amazing deep moisturizing properties due to similarity of molecular structure to the skin’s own bio-support network.
*.Strawberries: Like many nutritious fruits, strawberries are composed of more than 75 percent water, and that helps your skin to maintain hydrated, which leads to healthy, glowing skin.
*.Watermelon: With 93% water content and a multi-vitamin cocktail of vitamins A, B6 and C, it will not only hydrate your skin, but also repair and protect your skin too. 

3.Some useful facts of Daily Walk :

1- Daily 30 minutes walk reduce the level of LDL (low density lipoprotein) and increases the level of HDL (high density lipoproteins) in our body..

2- It prevents from osteoporosis and heart attack and also normalize the high B.P of our body..

3- It also useful to reduce the type 2 diabetes in the diabetic patients..

4- Daily walk helps to maintain our body weight to the normal level and prevents us from obesity and make us healthy and physically active..

5- Walk is useful specially f0r heart patients to make them physically fit without any strenous activity which increases the risk of heart attack in them as in jogging or exercise..

6- Daily walk is also useful to lower the cancer risks specially colon cancer in both sexes while among males those who remain in sitting position and do'nt walk regularly the risks of prostatic hyperplasia also increases.

7- Other factors like healthy eating, no smoking and cleanliness also associated to cause healthy effects to our body.

 4. Health Benefits from Spirulina 


5.Benefits of Ginger Tea 


6.Easy Digestion 


7. Health benefits of Yogurt 
Yoghurt is rich in potassium, calcium, protein and B vitamins, including B-12. Research shows yoghurt strengthens and stabilizes the immune system.

1. Yogurt is good for the bones.
2. Yogurt packs as much protein as meat.
3. Yogurt curbs your hunger.
4. Yogurt may help you lose weight.
5. Yogurt is good for digestion.
6. Yogurt may help lower blood pressure.
7. Yogurt is packed with vitamins.
8. Yogurt helps fight bad breath.
9. Yogurt is good for the skin.
10. Yogurt boosts the immune system.

8.Drinking water at the correct time Maximizes its effectiveness on the Human body :

1 glasses of water after waking
up - helps activate internal organs

1 glass of water 30 minutes before a meal -helps digestion

1glass of water before taking a
bath - helps lower blood pressure

1 glass of water before going to
bed - avoids stroke or heart attack.

9. Herbs to treat and prevent COLON CANCER


  10. Soursop and Its Benefits 


11. Be ware of these food


12. Black Pepper and its benefits after consuming


13. Just try and improve your dental health to improve.


14. Home remedies to get rid off Dandruff

Coconut oil and Lemon juice:
a) Take 1 table spoon lemon juice
b) Coconut 5 table spoons oil
Mix them and apply it on the scalp and leave this on the scalp for about 20 to 30 minutes and then wash it off with a mild shampoo.

Olive Oil Treatment:
Massage with lukewarm (not too hot) olive oil in circular motion in all the problematic area on your scalp and leave it overnight and wash it off your hair next morning with a mild shampoo.

Tea Tree Oil Treatment:
Tea Tree oil contains strong antiseptic and antibiotic properties and can be used to treat the flaking naturally.
a) Take 1 table spoon tea tree oil
b) One cup of warm water
Mix them and pour the mixture in a spray bottle or can. Use it as a spray, after shampooing your hair. After spraying, massage for few minutes and pat your wet hair dry.
Another way is to mix few drops of tea tree oil with your shampoo and wash hair with it.

Massage with vinegar / Apple cider vinegar into the affected scalp for about 5 to 10 minutes.
Another way is to mix one table spoon of vinegar in your last mug of water to remove dandruff flakes which clogged the hair follicles while washing your hair.

Baking Soda:
Take one tsp. of baking soda and add it to handful of shampoo and wash your hair with this mixture. You will notice all the itchy dandruff flakes disappears.

Make a paste out of neem leaves and water. Apply the paste onto your scalp. Neem leaves also eradicates lice and other scalp allergies.

Aloe Vera:
Take fresh aloe vera gel / juice. Apply it to your hair and scalp before taking a shower. Leave it for at least 20-30 mins and then shampoo. Repeat this process for few days, two times a day to control dandruff problem.

Take two aspirins and let it dissolve in the shampoo. Now use this mixture to shampoo your hair.

Take 2 tbsp. of apple pulp / juice and add it withequal amounts of water. Apply it on flaking scalp and let it rest on your scalp for 10 to 15 minutes and then rinse your hair with a mild shampoo. Removing the dead skin from the scalp helps you cure dandruff slowly.

Make garlic paste by mashing it and then apply it onto your scalp and leave it on for half an hour. After some time take a shower with a mild shampoo.

Fenugreek Seeds:
Soak ½ cup of fenugreek / methi seeds overnight in water. Then make a smooth paste of it and apply it to your scalp. Leave it on for few hours and rinse your hair with shampoo or shikakai.

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