Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Best Methods to Remove the Under Arm Hair

You can follow the following option as per your choice. During the use these option be sure either you have the requirements for action to be done. 

Requirement s : These requirement may not be used in all action !

1. A Razor

2. Baby powder

3. Shaving cream

4. Wax Strips

Method -1

1. Check your arm-pits. Be sure you are safe to do the action .Lift up your arm and make sure there are no cuts, spots, or anything that shaving might hurt.

2. Decide whether you want soap or shaving cream. Soap or shaving cream? You can use either. Rub it all over your under-arms making sure that all skin you are shaving is covered completely.

3.Make sure you hold your skin tight. This will reduce risk of shaving rash. Because loose skin may be difficult to shave.

4. Take your razor and start from the lowest point under your arm that has hair and slowly move it upwards. (The razor actually has to be touching your arm in order to shave the hair off.)

5 .Rinse underneath your arms with lukewarm water. If you do not, your arms will get sticky and horrible when you try to dry them.

6 .Check and see if there are any hairs still remaining. If there are, repeat.

7 If your arm pit is stinging, rub some baby powder on it afterwards. It will cool the feeling 

Method 2: This will be more easy than other Idea. 
1Just buy some hair removal cream near by any shop. 

2 Then r ub on underarms and follow instructions. (because each cream is different to use .) 

Method 3 : This is also one of the simplest Idea to remove the hair 

1 Buy some wax strips. 

2 Rub wax strips to make them warm by rubbing them in your hands. 

3 Put wax strips onto your under-arms 

4 Wax your under-arms carefully. 

5Take wax off with a perfect finish wipe. 

6 Wash with water and make it clean .
Method 4: It is most safe and best Idea to remove the underarm hair. 
1 Use talcum powder and spread generously on an armpit (ensure that armpit is fully dry before doing this action ). 

2 Shave your under-arms carefully ensuring that any extra talcum powder stuck to the razor is removed(Do not use wet razor). 

3 Once complete, repeat for other arm and wash both arms in warm water. 

4 Do not apply any thing before 24 hours of your job (Deodorant /Antiperspirant /etc)

Tips to work smoothly
--Go slowly. If you go fast, you could cut yourself.
--Make sure to rinse after. It will also get rid of the burning feeling.
--If you use a removal cream test it out on a small patch of skin before using on underarms to reduce risk of a rash.
--Use a wash cloth to get all the hairs that are stuck to your skin and to help prevent a rash or infection.
--Look at ingredients in any product, before applying, and make sure you aren't allergic. 

Warnings to be safe
--You could get a razor burn. It burns underneath your arm pit and the sensation doesn't go away for a while.
--You could get cut. If you press too hard or your razor isn't your type, you could cut yourself during the process.

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