Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Best Methods to Remove the Under Arm Hair

You can follow the following option as per your choice. During the use these option be sure either you have the requirements for action to be done. 

Requirement s : These requirement may not be used in all action !

1. A Razor

2. Baby powder

3. Shaving cream

4. Wax Strips

Method -1

1. Check your arm-pits. Be sure you are safe to do the action .Lift up your arm and make sure there are no cuts, spots, or anything that shaving might hurt.

2. Decide whether you want soap or shaving cream. Soap or shaving cream? You can use either. Rub it all over your under-arms making sure that all skin you are shaving is covered completely.

3.Make sure you hold your skin tight. This will reduce risk of shaving rash. Because loose skin may be difficult to shave.

4. Take your razor and start from the lowest point under your arm that has hair and slowly move it upwards. (The razor actually has to be touching your arm in order to shave the hair off.)

5 .Rinse underneath your arms with lukewarm water. If you do not, your arms will get sticky and horrible when you try to dry them.

6 .Check and see if there are any hairs still remaining. If there are, repeat.

7 If your arm pit is stinging, rub some baby powder on it afterwards. It will cool the feeling 

Method 2: This will be more easy than other Idea. 
1Just buy some hair removal cream near by any shop. 

2 Then r ub on underarms and follow instructions. (because each cream is different to use .) 

Method 3 : This is also one of the simplest Idea to remove the hair 

1 Buy some wax strips. 

2 Rub wax strips to make them warm by rubbing them in your hands. 

3 Put wax strips onto your under-arms 

4 Wax your under-arms carefully. 

5Take wax off with a perfect finish wipe. 

6 Wash with water and make it clean .
Method 4: It is most safe and best Idea to remove the underarm hair. 
1 Use talcum powder and spread generously on an armpit (ensure that armpit is fully dry before doing this action ). 

2 Shave your under-arms carefully ensuring that any extra talcum powder stuck to the razor is removed(Do not use wet razor). 

3 Once complete, repeat for other arm and wash both arms in warm water. 

4 Do not apply any thing before 24 hours of your job (Deodorant /Antiperspirant /etc)

Tips to work smoothly
--Go slowly. If you go fast, you could cut yourself.
--Make sure to rinse after. It will also get rid of the burning feeling.
--If you use a removal cream test it out on a small patch of skin before using on underarms to reduce risk of a rash.
--Use a wash cloth to get all the hairs that are stuck to your skin and to help prevent a rash or infection.
--Look at ingredients in any product, before applying, and make sure you aren't allergic. 

Warnings to be safe
--You could get a razor burn. It burns underneath your arm pit and the sensation doesn't go away for a while.
--You could get cut. If you press too hard or your razor isn't your type, you could cut yourself during the process.

Monday, June 17, 2013

Mexican Cultural Fashion: Clothing and Costumes

In Mexican trends regarding clothing fashion there are generally three major group should be separated. That may be at trend or system practiced in the community occasionally and regularly during their life passing since long ago:
Modern clothes
Traditional Mexican clothing
Celebration dresses and costumes 
1. Modern Clothes

In major cities, modern Mexican clothing do not differ very much from the clothes we use everyday. Thanks to the globalization, young Mexican people living in big cities trend to wear clothes like loud-colored cotton t-shirts, snickers and jeans. But this changes a lot when we get out of the main cities and look into smaller towns, where we can see modern clothes with a “native” feeling, which is shown mainly by the colors chosen.

People who live within those towns in Mexico seem to have a preference for earth-like colors, like brown or dark red, although it is not uncommon to find vivid greens and strong yellows as part of the clothes’ colors. 
2. Traditional Clothes
Traditional Mexican clothing combines native and European elements. The fibers of choice among the Mexicans are cotton, bark and agave (which were known and used by native Mexican pre-Hispanic civilizations to make their clothes), as well as wool and silk (introduced by the Spanish later).

In the past, Mexican clothing was dyed with natural components found in local plants, but as soon as aniline dyes were brought from Europe they became the first dying choic

We can find traditional Mexican clothing in many varieties, and it can be distinguished by gender, by social status and by ethnic group. For instance, garments worn by women differ from those worn by men, and native clothing is different to “mestizo” clothing.

Typical women clothing includes a skirt, a “huipil” (a kind of sleeve-less tunic), a “quechquémitl” (a closed shoulder cape) and a “rebozo” (a kind of shawl).

Mexican clothing for men is mostly “European-like”, which means that both the trousers and the shirt are European garments, and possibly the only native addition to the men’s wardrobe is a large blanket cape, called “Sarape”. Men often wear Mexican boots too. 
3. Celebration Dresses and Costumes

As for Mexican clothing used on celebrations, we can find a different costume for almost every special day of the year. National festivities are celebrated with typical clothes and accessories (including the famous Mexican Sombrero). Some special days like the Day of the Death are closely related to religion, and that can be seen on the costumes too. During the Carnival, the Mexican clothing of choice is the “Charro” suit, popularized by the famous musical ensembles known as the Mariachis.

Tharus of Nepal and their Dresses: A Unique Community of Nepal

The Tharus are the indigenous ethnic group who live in the northern part of Terai and inner Terai with a concentrated population in the middle and west. They approximately form 6.4% of total population.

Most of the Tharus have Mongoloid features with dark and semi- dark colors. They are aboriginal Terai settlers. Some also believe that Tharus came to Nepal from India during the Muslim invasion in the 12th and 13th century.

The Tharus have their indigenous dialect, known as ' Naja'. But they speak a mixture of local dialects, such as Prakriti, Bhojapuri, Mughali, Nepali, Urdu and Maithili.
Women in Tharu Dress, Nepal
Traditions and Culture
The Tharus believe in Animism. They do also celebrate Hindu festivals. There are normally two clans; Pradhan and Apradhan; the former is considered superior. Each of the Tharu family venerates its personal tutelary deity which is represented by a lump of earth mixed with multicolored cotton threads, crude sugarcane and a gold coin in the center. Each village has its own local gods and goddesses protecting the people.

Marriages among the Tharus, are monogamous. It is , however, strictly endogamous. Polyandry and polygamy are practiced sometimes. Rites and rituals linked with Tharu marriages are elaborate and complex. Most of the Tharu cremate their deceased. Others, however, bury them. There is a strange custom of keeping men face down and women face up during the burial. There is no apparent reason for it.

Traditional Brazilian Clothing: Trend of Cultural Practices

Traditional Brazilian Clothing
Brazilian clothing is popular for its grace and sophistication, its attractive colors and beautiful designs. Here is some interesting information about traditional Brazilian clothing that could help you out when on a visit to the country.

Traditional Brazilian Attire

The attire is an integral part of the culture of any country. Each country has its own unique traditional clothing which represents its cultural and social status. The type of clothes worn by people is determined by the history of their country, its climatic conditions, traditions, and ethnic groups that inhabited or are inhabiting it. Brazil is a large country with diverse climatic conditions in different regions. Hence, the traditional clothing of Brazil varies from region to region. Brazil is known internationally for its vibrant, stylish and sophisticated clothing. Brazilian clothes are comfortable, vividly colored, beautifully crafted and decorated with attractive accessories. Traditional Brazilian clothing is influenced by a combination of different races and immigrants from all over the world.
In the southern region of Brazil, there is a mixture of German, Russian and Italian immigrants.
While in Rio de Janeiro, immigrants from England, Portugal and Africa are predominant.
The Bahia region of Brazil is influenced by African culture, hence their traditional clothing is made from Bordado Richelieu, which is a doily-like embroidered fabric.

Towards the south of Brazil, the attire of the people has a very European touch to it, especially Italian and Spanish. People in this region are likely to be among the first to embrace trends that freshly debut on runways. However, true traditional Brazilian attire can be seen in the countryside, where clothing for men includes shirts, jeans and dresses made from inexpensive cotton to suit the sweltering climate and their occupational work. Rio de Janeiro is popular for its magnificent beaches. Hence, people in this region mainly wear beach style shirts, Bermudas and sunglasses. In Rio Grande do Sul, the southern plain region of Brazil, the cowboys (gauchos) wear a distinctive dress: baggy trousers called bombachas, ponchos, wide straw hats and leather boots. The cowherds (vaqueiros) in the Northeast region wear a coat, hat and leather chaps. In Amazon, the native Amerindians wear traditional tunics and paint their faces.
They make use of beads and feathers to decorate their bodies. They are known for their distinctive hairstyles and body painting. However, these days, many native Americans have adopted a contemporary clothing and lifestyle. In Bahia, many women prefer traditional African clothing that includes bright colorful shawl, a baiana dress or a long full skirt and a turban-like head scarf. They are fond of colorful, beaded necklaces and bracelets. The Carmen Miranda version of this dress is a skirt with a long slit showing off a leg and a turban which is embellished with multicolored feathers, plastic fruits and flowers.

In the urban areas of Brazil, most people prefer modern clothing. Young men wear jeans and T-shirts. Short skirts and dresses are very popular among women. Jeans are the most common item in the Brazilian wardrobes and have been even named after this fashionable country. Known as Brazilian jeans, they are made for women are tight-fitting and loosely tapering near the feet. These jeans come in a wide variety of designs, styles and textures. Due to the abundance of beautiful beaches, beachwear (Speedos for men and string bikinis for women) is a very popular clothing in Brazil.

During the Carnival, for which Rio de Janeiro is world-famous, all Brazilians don fancy costumes with elaborate detailing. A lot of women can be seen dressed as Samba dancers wearing a headdress bejeweled with colorful rhinestones and feathers, skimpy costumes, boas, extravagant jewellery with high heels and bright makeup. Due to the tropical climate, Brazilians avoid clothes made of light fabrics like cotton and viscose.

The next time you visit Brazil, don't forget to purchase some of these clothes to add a flash of color to your wardrobe.

Source : http://www.buzzle.com/articles/traditional-brazilian-clothing.html